Mohammad Wajih Alam

Mohammad Wajih Alam


Mohawk College


Dr. Mohammad Wajih Alam is an accomplished leader with over 5 years of combined experience in engineering, consulting, product development, operations, research and board governance.

Over the years, he has developed a combination of technical expertise, management and communication skills which has helped to establish current relationships with clients, both internal and external. He is multilingual (6 international language and many more local languagues), has experience in other areas of business which includes negotiation of leases and contracts, accounting, finance, taxation, and human resources departments. He has also served in leadership roles in research, scholarly and artistic work and served as a Vice-President of Graduate Student Association which houses over 4000 Graduate Students under its roof. He also served on several other boards which includes: Presidents Executive Committee, CGPS Faculty Council, CGPS Graduate and Postdoctoral Council, CGPS Awards Committee, CGPS interdisciplinary committee.

Dr. Alam has completed his B.SC. in EEE from CUET in Bangladesh, M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering from University of Ulsan, South Korea and PhD from University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

Some of his notable work includes: an electronic swallowable wireless endoscopic capsule for detecting colorectal cancer, BLE based wearable device for COVID contact tracing, creating WiFi mesh and develop real-time embedded IoT products for energy efficient commercial buildings, bring-up of display in vehicles for General motors towards the goal of realizing crash-free future, etc..

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Information Retrieval
  • Autonomous vehicle
  • Embedded System
  • PhD in Electrical Engineering, 2020

    University of Saskatchewan, Canada

  • MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 2016

    University of Ulsan, South Korea

  • BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2014

    Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh


General Motors (RampGroup)
Software Developer
General Motors (RampGroup)
November 2021 – Present Toronto, Canada
Argentum Electronics
Software Developer
Argentum Electronics
September 2021 – November 2021 Toronto, Canada
Innovation Enterprise
Innovation Business Analyst
Innovation Enterprise
March 2018 – July 2020 Saskatchewan, Canada
MPPLAB, University of Saskatchewan
Embedded Software Developer
MPPLAB, University of Saskatchewan
June 2016 – October 2020 Saskatchewan, Canada
GSA, University of Saskatchewan
VP Finance and Operations
GSA, University of Saskatchewan
May 2019 – April 2020 Saskatchewan, Canada
EMMRI LAB, University of Ulsan
Research Assistant (Antenna Engineer)
EMMRI LAB, University of Ulsan
March 2014 – February 2016 Saskatchewan, Canada


Backroads App with React
Backroads app designed with ReactJS, CSS, JSX.
Birthday Reminder App with React
Birthday Reminder app designed with ReactJS, CSS, JSX.
Deep learning Project under construction
Deep learning project will go here.
Test project
Test project under construction.


Please send me an email if you want to get in touch with me.

  • Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,